Courtship or Friendship?

Every now and then I see people on social network sites complaining and lambasting the world and of course everybody else on how time and destiny stab them at their back and cause their heart to bleed. They seem to find it hard to believe that after all the things they have done to impress somebody else, it is still not enough to be in a relationship with the desired other.
Well, wake up folks! Courtship is one big fiasco in the modern world. If we notice it closely, courtship is the stage of a relationship where we are showing the best of what we have got. All plain and damn right pathetic. In a world wherein relationship mostly never lasted in years, with these kind of courtship, this for sure will face an untimely doom!
We take a look at those who look for relationship in areas such as bars, disco houses and even in parks and benches, these are the modern youngsters. They base solely the desired other on first, how impressive she looks, how big her tooott is, and of course how well she dressed herself. When everything is good in the eyes, then the asking of numbers and the sweet patweetums will begin. If both are attracted, then the relationship begins. But the problem on this is, sooner or later the evil side of the coin switches. Both of you will then show the hidden attitude, the worst side of the two-faced coin such as being possessive, violent at times and sometimes even small things such as being a plain @$$! Of course, doom is near. Unless both could hold up on the worst then the relationship could have a chance of survival.
A good relationship will always such with deep friendship. Why you ask? In friendship, in the early stages of friendship, we get to see the worst part of a friend, tactless, demanding, noisy, humiliating at times, and even lazy and of course a complete pain in the bottom. Friendship, is better achieve on the acceptance of the indifference of friends, and still enjoy the companionship. Then the affection develops until both of them realizes later, that they just can't live without the other. At this very moment, a long and enduring relationship, will then be achieve.
But one of the worst case scenario of friendship to a lover relationship is when the other is not ready or would remain on the line "only friends". It could really ruin a great friendship where both could and would not talk with each other for a long time or maybe forever.
Risks will always be there in relationship. Love is a long and difficult journey, and only accepting and taking risks could we truly appreciate the fruits of a romance. always remember, not all day the romance will be at the heat, a little longer and the fire will turn cold, it is only then that a relationship based on the foundation of friendship could survive.
As one saying tell us, "If you can't accept me at my worst, then you dont deserve me at my best"
The Woz

Steve Wozniak
I consider the WOZ as one of the most inspiring person in the computer world. The man behind the technical genius of the Mac mainframe, he is referred as the other Steve. Co-founder of Apple Computers, the computer world will not be where it is right now if not for the the WOZ..
A funny scene from the The Big Bang Theory... a cameo role of the Woz
How to Improve your Skills as a Programmer
This will give you a few hints and some help to becoming a better programmer. So read on and enjoy! Programming can be a lot of fun.
Gather complete requirements.
Take the time to write down what the end product needs to achieve. Clarity of thought at this stage will save a lot of time down the line.
Write an implementation plan (or model).
- For something small and self-contained, this might just be a basic flowchart or an equation.
- For larger projects, it helps to break it into modules and consider what job each module must do, how data gets passed between modules, and within each module how it will function.
Add Comments to your code.
Whenever you feel your code needs some explanation, drop some comments in. Each function should be preceded by 1-2 lines describing the arguments and what it returns
It will help you keep track of what type the variable is and also what it's purpose is. Although this means more typing than x = a + b * c, it will make your code easier to debug and maintain.
Organize your code.
Use visual structure to indicate code structure. i.e. indent a code block that sits within a conditional (if,else,...) or a loop (for,while,...) Also try putting spaces between a variable name and an operator such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and even the equal sign (myVariable = 2 + 2). As well as making the code more visually elegant, it makes it much easier to see the program flow at a glance.
Start by testing it with inputs that you would typically expect. Then try inputs that arepossible but less common. This will flush out any hidden bugs. There is an art to testing and you will gradually build up your skills with practice.
Write your tests to always include the following:
- Extremes: zero and max for positive values, empty string, null for every parameter.
- Practice. Practice. Practice.
- Be prepared for change.
In a realistic working environment, requirements change. However, the clearer you are at the start about the requirements and the clearer your implementation plan, the less likely those changes will be down to misunderstanding or "Ah, I hadn't thought of that" scenarios.You can take an active role in improving clarity of thinking by presenting your requirements document or your implementation plans before coding to ensure that what you are planning to create is actually what's been asked for.
Structure the project as a series of milestones with a demo for each block. Approach the programming one milestone at a time - the less you need to think about at any moment, the more likely you will think clearly.
- Start simple and work towards complexity.When programming something complex, it helps to get the simpler building blocks in place and working properly first.
Super Workspace Setup (Next Project)

The Passion Of Programming (Repost)

I know this title sounds ultra-geeky. But this post is a retrospect on how cool it used to feel to write computer programs. Like most things in life, time (along with other things) wears down the enthusiasms associated with things you love to do.
For me, I can remember sitting in front of a Commodore 64 thinking up cool things to program. Writing programs that Poked/Peeked places on the monitor….that manipulated the cassette player input drive. Then getting a modem and actually connecting to CompuServe. Unbelievable.
In high school we had a TRS-80. We learned BASIC…and played a lot of Lunar Lander. That was a program where you tried to land on the moon, controlling thrust and descent. No real graphics….but it sure was fun.
Then, in the early and mid 80′s learning Pascal, C, Data Structures, Assembler, Fortran, and BASIC. It was still an incredible rush to figure out those oddball assignments like using recursion to simulate parking cars on the street. Then, one semester, we had to write our own compiler. Everyone was assigned to a team of three. My two partners were more interested in checking out the closest bar than writing the compiler. At the time I could not understand it. So, I wrote the compiler. How could anyone not want to solve this problem quickly??? A valuable lesson in life was learned.
Then, after graduation, came the hunt for a job. This is where I started to lose that enthusiasm. Each rejection letter seemed to take a little more out of me. Finally, I landed a cool job with a good company. I was sure I would enjoy this.
Another lesson hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to go to meetings? Fill out deliverable documents??? Only 25% of the time was spent programming? Wait a second. Then, over the years that 25% was whittled down to 20%, 18%, 10%, to now around 5%. For, you see, the skill of programming is not the highly valued skill it used to be. It has been commoditized. All development must be done according to strict rules and guidelines. The personal reward and gratification derived by the creativity and innovation has been almost completely stripped out.
This isn’t limited to a few companies. It is more and more common.
Yes, I know, I sound like a spoiled baby. “You still get paid a nice salary. If you don’t like it, leave.” I would….but with a family rooted in the area, that isn’t easy. And I really do like the company I work for….just wish I still had the passion I used to have.
I try to stay atune to programming by writing tools at home, as well as helping organizations and clubs who have purchased computers but need help realizing their true value. Helping people like that does give me a boost. There are some incredibly cool technologies now that make computer programming really interesting. Those keep me pumped, too.
Maybe it doesn’t have to do with programming at all. Maybe I just don’t want to grow up any more. I want to be that kid again.
Maybe I should go to ebay and start looking for a Commodore.
I'm a Romantic Geek
Turn Disaster into Fortune

I'm a masochistic lion. I inflict pain to myself to give me the reason to redeem myself. I bleed, I cried, I scarred and I almost died. All for the sake of redemption. In order to feel pleasure, you must understand pain, in order to feel love you must first break your heart, in order to become successful, you must fail and in order to be happy, you must understand anguish.
This world works in pair, for you to understand the other, you must first understand the other. Insane you say, but that's reality. Once a disaster happens to one's life, it is just a matter of time that fortune befalls upon them. All you have to do is endure and persevere because as always, at the end of the dark tunnel, will be always the light...
Or it could be just another incoming train....
I need Focus...
Although it may seem strange to me, just realizing it when everything goes awry and falling into different places, it's like a scythe in my neck.. I felt fear, fear of what I would become if I allow myself to be in such a situation. A situation that I'm pretty much sure I'm not the first one, and will not be the last one.