
Courtship or Friendship?

Okay! Dr. BokyLove is here.

image courtesy of http://www.myspace.com/drill187band

Every now and then I see people on social network sites complaining and lambasting the world and of course everybody else on how time and destiny stab them at their back and cause their heart to bleed. They seem to find it hard to believe that after all the things they have done to impress somebody else, it is still not enough to be in a relationship with the desired other.

Well, wake up folks! Courtship is one big fiasco in the modern world. If we notice it closely, courtship is the stage of a relationship where we are showing the best of what we have got. All plain and damn right pathetic. In a world wherein relationship mostly never lasted in years, with these kind of courtship, this for sure will face an untimely doom!

We take a look at those who look for relationship in areas such as bars, disco houses and even in parks and benches, these are the modern youngsters. They base solely the desired other on first, how impressive she looks, how big her tooott is, and of course how well she dressed herself. When everything is good in the eyes, then the asking of numbers and the sweet patweetums will begin. If both are attracted, then the relationship begins. But the problem on this is, sooner or later the evil side of the coin switches. Both of you will then show the hidden attitude, the worst side of the two-faced coin such as being possessive, violent at times and sometimes even small things such as being a plain @$$! Of course, doom is near. Unless both could hold up on the worst then the relationship could have a chance of survival.

A good relationship will always such with deep friendship. Why you ask? In friendship, in the early stages of friendship, we get to see the worst part of a friend, tactless, demanding, noisy, humiliating at times, and even lazy and of course a complete pain in the bottom. Friendship, is better achieve on the acceptance of the indifference of friends, and still enjoy the companionship. Then the affection develops until both of them realizes later, that they just can't live without the other. At this very moment, a long and enduring relationship, will then be achieve.

But one of the worst case scenario of friendship to a lover relationship is when the other is not ready or would remain on the line "only friends". It could really ruin a great friendship where both could and would not talk with each other for a long time or maybe forever.

Risks will always be there in relationship. Love is a long and difficult journey, and only accepting and taking risks could we truly appreciate the fruits of a romance. always remember, not all day the romance will be at the heat, a little longer and the fire will turn cold, it is only then that a relationship based on the foundation of friendship could survive.

As one saying tell us, "If you can't accept me at my worst, then you dont deserve me at my best"

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