
29 things to do to have a great life (Bo Sanchez)

My message today: The keys to success are simple. I believe that real genius lies in sticking to the simple.

Today, I’d like to “spoon feed” you.

I’d like to give you 29 simple things that you can do this year that will revolutionize your life.

If you do these 29 simple things, 2011 will be a blast.

1. Laugh with inspiring friends at least once a week or more

2. Have Mentors in the most important areas of your life

3. Walk 30 minutes a day

4. Use your talents for God by serving in a ministry

5. Invest 20% of your income every month

6. Read one inspiring book a month

7. Cut TV watching to the barest minimum (Zero is a good number)

8. Limit newspaper reading to 5 minutes or less a day

9. Take vacations often

10. Eat fruits for breakfast

11. Always have a salad for lunch and dinner

12. Start a business (or improve your business) this year

13. Always be grateful to God and others

14. Always live by your deepest values

15. Spend time with God everyday

16. Play with your kids at least once a day (If you don’t have any, borrow.)

17. Have a weekly date with your spouse (If you don’t have any, don’t borrow!)

18. Date your parents regularly

19. Before you sleep, remove all anger by forgiveness

20. Be the kindest person you can be

21. Find your passion and live it fully

22. Give more hugs (and receive as many)

23. Listen to understand, not to reply

24. Celebrate more often

25. Put people over projects

26. Enjoy quiet and solitude

27. Always give 10% of your income to God

28. Keep dreaming



I now truly understand the meaning of sacrificing a lot for other people especially a special one that is. But the time has come to give more time to myself now. I've been giving my time, my efforts and even my sleep for others that I deprived myself to it. After a couple of years, regrettably, I want to turn back the time and bring those wasted moments back.

Loving others is difficult if we truly look at it at love's point of view. I guess the secret to it is to love oneself in order to learn how to love somebody else. If we give ourselves gifts, the time, the efforts, the financial stability slowly we will realize that we are ready to share it to someone and during that time, then we could say we will love rightfully.

Self worth is understanding yourself, finding your own weaknesses and strengths, realizing your true value and giving your self the chance to become the best that you can be. Writing about this column, I remembered the move "One More Chance" by John Lloyd and Bea, one of the most beautiful love story of all time in the Philippine cinema. The film showed how Bea's character left her BF for 5 years to rediscover herself and become what she wanted to be, I guess I understand her character more. When she reach the stage wherein she is her best, then she could love someone more and be happy with it.

This time, as selfish at may sound, this is the time that I will love myself and learn to become someone that I really want to be when I was a little younger. I guess in that way when someone would come in to my life to share it with, then I would be ready to offer my best.

As I said a long time ago, success is worthless if you don't have someone to share it to. :)



RESPONSIBILITY: the quality or state of being responsible: as
a : moral, legal, or mental accountability

Every man is responsible for his actions. What we do will always result to situations whether in our liking or not. That is one of the greatest trait of human and the reason of our survivability, we ADAPT to the changes in our surroundings.

That is why we need to plan our every actions. Give a little more thinking time, rethink if possible, analyze, plan out. it may result to everyone as a boring life but it works. Being responsible and wise is the man that I want to be. I may not be as smart as anybody else but at least I know what to do. There will be a time in your life where you will be put in a danger zone, in a quicksand where getting up is difficult or nearly impossible but you will not stop struggling, because when you do, then that is time you will lose. I heard that from some golf movie.

Great power comes great responsibility.

Do great things to small tasks and expect grander things for much bigger tasks!


Changing of the Era

What happens when you try to change the current era to a new one? What are the factors that will greatly influence the transition. Being on a transition is really difficult, you don't know where to begin, you don't know what to do, what to give up, what to fight off.

There are signs running around you, clearly telling you that the time has come. Even the people that surrounds you, friends, families and even acquaintances; they seem to tell to move on with your life.

In your past there were great lessons learned, trials overcame and some eventually failed. It is just that we don't have the control of everything. We will never understand it, but we are greatly limited in our capacity to control all the factors in our lives especially those that are significant.

Maybe that is just partly the human side of us. We may never overcome the past but certainly we will just tend to let go of it and move on for the future. Change the era as they say, but why is it difficult?

Maybe the problem is that we force our eyes to see what we like to see, force our ears to hear what we really wants to hear and force our hearts to feel what it really want to feel and force our mind to bend reality and to follow what we think is right.

In this ever changing world wherein everything will change, it is up to us to adapt to the changes. It's difficult, really.. Really difficult,but as an important person told me tonight, if that is what is happening what can I do?

I guess I just need to harden myself, kick my conscience and do what I think is fair and justifiable. We may never forget the past, at least we have the present to attend to and a future to work hard for. Life is full of mysteries, adventures and more amazing journeys ahead. Some people may leave you to continue with their own journeys, and well, you, you have a life to think about. You have a journey to continue. People may come and go, but the only thing we could do is to treasure those who remain. For those who remain are your blessings and those who left are great memories.

In moving on to the new journey, we must be strong-willed. Live on.. Plan ahead.. Become what we want to be and be the person that will define you in the future. And once the time has come to look back at your memories, just look around you and be thankful for those who remained.

~ Courage is not the absence of fear, but simply moving on with dignity despite that fear. ~


A week after

Finally, after 2 weeks of hectic coding.. I got a little breathing space.. I am trying to recuperate my energy for another bout of mind brainstorming... I wish I'm a little smarter.. But I could manage with this now..If we look into it right now, we may have the idea of how things should happen with me.

I wish I will be paid with my previous works, Im planning to buy myself a refrigerator, or maybe a cute scooter.. I'm still not sure, but any other way would still be good.. It's Saturday night here people are milling themselves with going out and having party. I would settle for a lonely evening sitting in my desk and playing with my imaginations. I guess that's the limits of my social interaction but then again, that's not what I want a life of being one of those socialites who would bang heads and drink till wee hours.

I will try my hardest to have a great 2011. I will make my every waking hour a multiple steps to reach the top of my stairway of heaven. I'm 25 and Im still far far away from what I want. I can do this.. I just to update myself with what I'm looking for and what I need to do.

There are problems in my life, I know. Those are trials, they just keep on popping like mushrooms, but if I can't overcome this? How can I overcome problems in the future.

Right eh?


6th day of the Year

As it slowly dawned on the days that past by, I look at it with every little interest.. My life is changing bit by bit. Getting better as the days past by, trying to slowly mend the broken glasses that once were splattered on the floor since the grand departure.

There I have it, looking at me straight in the eyes and telling me that reality sometimes in most incomprehensible than most fantasies. My career will start to slowly climb up the plane..

All I want is to really start a newer page, a newer chapter. With the people who really want to come and stay in this new chapter. Time to disregard those who choose to go and depart me, and change with someone who are there with you by your side.

Friends come and go.... but those who stay are those who are really crazy but they must be keep forever... Not just in the memory.


First day at Work for 2011

Starting my first day of work. And having a big task at hand with 7 days to finish. Im starting to do a little extra right now. Trying to look for the API of these address book problems I had.. And time is running out on me..

Trying to look on the core code of the API so that I could had an idea of getting all what I need ... :)

Just heard it a while ago, after every failure, there is success. So brace yourselves... :)

Great, one single step for me, one giant leap for humanity.....

Now on to more of mind boggling searching and trial and errors... Man, with limited intelligence such as mine... I need to kill it with hard work. Sometimes I hate it when I couldn't solve the problem in one sitting.

Start of 2011

Another year will start and I haven’t got a clue still of what I want to do with this new year.. Im thinking of going abroad this year, process my papers and work in Canada , UK or in any other countries that will give me the opportunity. My first day of the 2011 was one hell of sickness day. I got a terrible headache, flu, stomach cramps and LBM. Currently I am still experiencing all of these.
I just sat here in my apartment reading codes and taking meds and doing some practice tweaking. I wish Im home right now so that somebody can take care of me.
Tomorrow will be work day, it will be hectic. With a large scale task waiting for me and some program on queue, I will have one helluva January…

God bless me…
Just brought some workout tools in Lopue’s East. I’ve been looking forward to this purchased, this could be the start of the new consciousness for my health and body stature that recently got out of hand. If only I had a good health I could start working out.
It’s a lonely rainy afternoon; I got cold and shivering… It’s so boring without internet at home.. Currently working on a payroll details problem which been haunting me for a couple of weeks. Hopefully to finish it in a couple of hours.
Progressing on the payroll details but not yet done.  .. Having trouble with payment of adjustments.
Finally moving on the next step.. But my eyes are getting blurry now, I will just hold on for a couple of hours.. Have a work tomorrow.. Planning on sleeping for 6 hours tonight. That would be good unless laziness takes over and kill me off my feet. (I wish IM not doing one of take-up-a-lot-of-time fancy things!)
I still have one hour left before midnight, and I’m freaking out! Dr Watson PostMortem? Wadahelisdat?