

I now truly understand the meaning of sacrificing a lot for other people especially a special one that is. But the time has come to give more time to myself now. I've been giving my time, my efforts and even my sleep for others that I deprived myself to it. After a couple of years, regrettably, I want to turn back the time and bring those wasted moments back.

Loving others is difficult if we truly look at it at love's point of view. I guess the secret to it is to love oneself in order to learn how to love somebody else. If we give ourselves gifts, the time, the efforts, the financial stability slowly we will realize that we are ready to share it to someone and during that time, then we could say we will love rightfully.

Self worth is understanding yourself, finding your own weaknesses and strengths, realizing your true value and giving your self the chance to become the best that you can be. Writing about this column, I remembered the move "One More Chance" by John Lloyd and Bea, one of the most beautiful love story of all time in the Philippine cinema. The film showed how Bea's character left her BF for 5 years to rediscover herself and become what she wanted to be, I guess I understand her character more. When she reach the stage wherein she is her best, then she could love someone more and be happy with it.

This time, as selfish at may sound, this is the time that I will love myself and learn to become someone that I really want to be when I was a little younger. I guess in that way when someone would come in to my life to share it with, then I would be ready to offer my best.

As I said a long time ago, success is worthless if you don't have someone to share it to. :)

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