
Changing of the Era

What happens when you try to change the current era to a new one? What are the factors that will greatly influence the transition. Being on a transition is really difficult, you don't know where to begin, you don't know what to do, what to give up, what to fight off.

There are signs running around you, clearly telling you that the time has come. Even the people that surrounds you, friends, families and even acquaintances; they seem to tell to move on with your life.

In your past there were great lessons learned, trials overcame and some eventually failed. It is just that we don't have the control of everything. We will never understand it, but we are greatly limited in our capacity to control all the factors in our lives especially those that are significant.

Maybe that is just partly the human side of us. We may never overcome the past but certainly we will just tend to let go of it and move on for the future. Change the era as they say, but why is it difficult?

Maybe the problem is that we force our eyes to see what we like to see, force our ears to hear what we really wants to hear and force our hearts to feel what it really want to feel and force our mind to bend reality and to follow what we think is right.

In this ever changing world wherein everything will change, it is up to us to adapt to the changes. It's difficult, really.. Really difficult,but as an important person told me tonight, if that is what is happening what can I do?

I guess I just need to harden myself, kick my conscience and do what I think is fair and justifiable. We may never forget the past, at least we have the present to attend to and a future to work hard for. Life is full of mysteries, adventures and more amazing journeys ahead. Some people may leave you to continue with their own journeys, and well, you, you have a life to think about. You have a journey to continue. People may come and go, but the only thing we could do is to treasure those who remain. For those who remain are your blessings and those who left are great memories.

In moving on to the new journey, we must be strong-willed. Live on.. Plan ahead.. Become what we want to be and be the person that will define you in the future. And once the time has come to look back at your memories, just look around you and be thankful for those who remained.

~ Courage is not the absence of fear, but simply moving on with dignity despite that fear. ~

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