
La Primera Proyekto

First Project... Hmmmmmm....

I've learn so much this three months way more than I learned from my Masters Degree in a year. Looking into my last project wherein I performed in a mediocre fashion, I still loved the way it turned out. Learning Joomla is the best way that ever happened to my career. Only by this time around that I've understand the true essence of software development(this is not a technical post :) so I will just leave that line of storytelling)... I've easily grasped the concept and dedicated most of time programming in the JoOmla-way..

At first, it is kinda shameful to admit that it is really way way difficult to fathom all the new terminologies and programming models, so I just decided to follow the main programming approach on components and modules...

Someday, how I wish that I could learn how to cut the site into DIVs and totally develop my own template...

This project also enrich my knowledge on Object-Oriented Programming with different styles.. Also learned AJAX and researched on other Javascript tools..

I just need to take another one step farther to learn more ideas in this field.. I hope that on the next project I could try different approaches and learn more tools...

The problems that I have encountered so far grind my mind that I had some migraine attacks in the morning... But what the heck, I'm learning... and there is no greater thing on the this earth than to learn....

I will just post some of my works here... Aja....

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