November 7,2009
What is the difference of the sunrise today compared to the previous days of the sun rising?
It’s the first time in my entire life that I’ve looked the rise of the sun with a different view. I was self meditating and lecturing myself about life while I was jogging in the new government center when it hits me. The feeling of elation that suddenly rushes down in my conscious being was really amazing that when I look at the sun, I thought I saw the infamous light at the end of the tunnel.
At that moment I looked life in a different way. I now appreciate life, seems so easy to say but way to difficult to comprehend and to do too. I now notice I’m living a great life. Working in a job I dreamed of, loving the job and getting paid for a work that I love to do and most especially loving the woman I loved the most.
Those are blessings, graces and I can’t believe I’ve never seen it before. I really can’t ask for more. It really pays off when you will allow yourself to look at yourself in a general perspective. Self-meditate really has been a big part of my life during doubtful times, it allows me to understand the problems, create solutions and even expand my mind to make those problems into challenges that I need to overcome.
So for now, I just need to focus on my job, because after all I love programming. Give all my best, focus concentrate and be the best in the field that I chose. I must have the confidence and the desire to truly learn. Extend my base knowledge.
There is hope. There is a future that awaits me.
Life is so great and amazing that I want to live it.
Live your life.
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