
The Reason

Thursday, November 26, 2009

As the title implies, I miss this moment… Building sentences, formulating grammars and having the problem of what to write.

What would I write, well let me start, I’ve been in the wildest rollercoaster of my life this past few months. This whole month was really an unthinkable shift of the tectonic plates of my foundation; I can’t believe I would survive this. Really…

First is my job, yes it’s true. I’m not teaching now, should I say I decided to stop teaching. Well, there were different reasons why I stopped teaching. Maybe some of you who know me would say that it is because of the chaotic environment of my institution, other would speculate that I will choose other schools that offer a greener pastures and some would really think up of morbid scenarios on you naughty minds. 

But in reality those reasons partly help in reaching to my decision to leave the institution that had been a part of me for 7 years. Partly, but I will tell you the main reason of why I stopped; yes stop not quit, teaching. My real plan was to serve AMA for 2 years and then work in a programming company, but one normal day, I had this chance. Once in a lifetime chance to become somebody who I was once been dreaming of. With this opportunity, I didn’t let the chance slipped off my hands. I grabbed it and tried very hard to become very good at it.

Right now, I’m working as a web developer creating websites for foreign companies and I’m really enjoying my job. I’m learning. I can’t really believe that this past few weeks I’ve accumulated a certain amount of knowledge that could last a year. Exag?? Think about it..

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