Breaking the Habit
Now is the first step of knowing really what will happen in my life. I wish I could move a little more, just a bit so that I know I’m moving. Stressful, that is the entire definition of these past few days of my life. I am currently working on this project but I took a break, so that I could write this article thinking that it could ease this little burden I’m having. And it is working. Sigh, a big relief.
I will just write a short one to ease some of the indigestion in my lungs. I wish I could be more mature in dealing my current situation.
My Purse

It has been a year since I received my first salary, and lucky for me that I’ve got a job that I can be proud of after graduation. Although my salary was delayed for three months, it didn’t matter because I was still glad to receive it. With my mouth drooling and my eyes widening like a saucer, I raise my palm to receive my paycheck. At last, I am earning.
Time passed by, month by month I received my fair amount. Then after 10 months, summer came and before I knew it, I’ve got nothing. Only a small amount left in my bank account. I really couldn’t believe it but I don’t know where to get the money for summer. I just couldn’t believe it, after all those frequent and capricious activities; here I am with nothing but an overturned pocket.
The entire first school year was really fun. No doubt about it. But after all the smoke was gone, I am not proud of what I’ve become. This is nothing compared to what I’m thinking, should I say dreaming before. What happened to my purse is a great mistake. A really really grave mistake and I have another year to completely erase my unacceptable mistake in the previous year and make sure that I will have a good fat savings account in the back. Hopefully, that someday when I read this article back, I would be glad. Glad that I have earned a lot, and be ready for another adventure in my boring life, to completely change the entire ME.
I need first to understand in what aspects of my life that I made mistakes, then accept the fact that I really did make mistakes and obviously learn from these mistakes and never again make these stupid and childish mistakes.
I know them now, I could see them, all I’ve got to do is stay away from them.
Movies that Stunned My World
I spent my whole week watching movies in my PC. With the fast-approaching start of the new school year, there is a little time to cuddle my remaining leisure moments. After downloading some movies from a good friend of mine, Tyronskie and searching in the torrent, I accumulated enough movies to extend my tummy into a couple more inches. Day after day, I’ve resorted myself into a couch potato. A very fat one that is.
I started with reliving “The Red Cliff I and II”. After a couple of months of romancing the three kingdoms (pun intended :P), I’ve appreciated a new subject that increased my knowledge beyond our nation’s history. Although I’ve watched them a couple of times before, they’ve seemed never to lose my amazement of how great the rising heroes of the stories were portrayed.
I’ve also watched two Will Smith’s movies. “Hitch” and “Hancock”, yeah I know, they are old movies but “Hitch” is still one of my most favorite movies of all time. Watching it really did give me a good laugh. I could really compare myself to Albert in the movie, a clumsy, afraid-of-woman guy and yet still runs after girls that way out of my league. “Hancock”, well a lousy movie that is, a little overrated it may seem. Although I loved the animation and the movie effects, it didn’t help in the total appeal of the movie.
“The Chronicle of Narnia, Prince Caspian” also didn’t live up to hype. Still just like the first, very great movie effects especially with the White Witch scene.
The movie that made me regret of not watching it in the theaters is the “A Beautiful Mind”. No need to give the definition and my comments though, just “Google” it and you will surely know what I mean.
I still have maybe 3 more movies to watch and two programs to make. See yah Bokxters!!
Ray Eden’s Last Farewell
Magallon, Negros Occidental
Only today that we did bring Rey Eden Abas to her last destination here in our living world and we were to show the family how sympathy and condolences. Although Rey Eden was not close to me because of the little time we spent before together, she was also a part of the working students’ family.
Together we, close friends and former mentor of Rey Eden, we traveled from the capital Bacolod to Moises Padilla to bring her to the final resting place.
Just last week we still couldn’t believe the news the she was dead for only few weeks ago that we did meet her and she was really jolly and gained a lot of weights. It was really hard to accept that she is not here with us anymore.
This post is solely dedicated for Ray Eden. I know she will always have a place in the hearts of her friends, teachers, mentors, and all the people that she has become a part with. We are wishing her a glorious journey from here and onward.
From you AMA family: Thanks for becoming a part of our life.
Reason for Blogging?
Due to my recent inactivity in the cyberworld, sometimes it seems pathetic that I don’t really like maintaining an online diary. Some questions would then come up in my little--bit-crowded mind, why do I write stuff and continue to blog even if I know that I will eventually won’t finish it in the future? Why do I tell the world all the things that run in my mind even if the world doesn’t seem to care at all? All these and still more….
Why do I blog???
The best reason I could find: maybe that someday some guy/gal in the future would write a biography about me and would find this little blog (and be amaze of course! :P ) and he/she would see all the “springed“ theories that feed my little mind. One goal of mine is really to be a person that changes the world for the benefit of all mankind, and when they will study my life in the future, they will learn that life is after all a series of mistakes that will eventually lead us to one ultimate and successful conclusion.
Blogging is a part of me that gave me the chance to tell the world the things that make me tick. All these and, of course the chance to become a part of the largest community of tech-lovers that will pour their heart’s contents and tell the world that each of us have our stories to tell and blogging is the grace given to us to fulfill our own storytelling. Life is good, but what good is it if we can’t share it to people we love or to the world who are keen to learn from good examples and be wary of stories of mistakes and more mistakes.
“If we make a mistake and doesn’t correct it, then we really made a mistake” Confucius
My First Year
There were mistakes that I had committed the previous year and I mean, really a lot of mistakes that if ever tried and tested will bring me down for sure. But of course, it has really been a great learning experience on my part. I know for a fact that I could improve myself and my acts for this coming year. Although, I foresee greater challenges and more pressures, I still say to myself that I am better than last year. I can prove it this time around.