
Movies that Stunned My World

I spent my whole week watching movies in my PC. With the fast-approaching start of the new school year, there is a little time to cuddle my remaining leisure moments. After downloading some movies from a good friend of mine, Tyronskie and searching in the torrent, I accumulated enough movies to extend my tummy into a couple more inches. Day after day, I’ve resorted myself into a couch potato. A very fat one that is.

I started with reliving “The Red Cliff I and II”. After a couple of months of romancing the three kingdoms (pun intended :P), I’ve appreciated a new subject that increased my knowledge beyond our nation’s history. Although I’ve watched them a couple of times before, they’ve seemed never to lose my amazement of how great the rising heroes of the stories were portrayed.

I’ve also watched two Will Smith’s movies. “Hitch” and “Hancock”, yeah I know, they are old movies but “Hitch” is still one of my most favorite movies of all time. Watching it really did give me a good laugh. I could really compare myself to Albert in the movie, a clumsy, afraid-of-woman guy and yet still runs after girls that way out of my league. “Hancock”, well a lousy movie that is, a little overrated it may seem. Although I loved the animation and the movie effects, it didn’t help in the total appeal of the movie.

“The Chronicle of Narnia, Prince Caspian” also didn’t live up to hype. Still just like the first, very great movie effects especially with the White Witch scene.

The movie that made me regret of not watching it in the theaters is the “A Beautiful Mind”. No need to give the definition and my comments though, just “Google” it and you will surely know what I mean.

I still have maybe 3 more movies to watch and two programs to make. See yah Bokxters!!

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