
Reason for Blogging?

Due to my recent inactivity in the cyberworld, sometimes it seems pathetic that I don’t really like maintaining an online diary. Some questions would then come up in my little--bit-crowded mind, why do I write stuff and continue to blog even if I know that I will eventually won’t finish it in the future? Why do I tell the world all the things that run in my mind even if the world doesn’t seem to care at all? All these and still more….

Why do I blog???

The best reason I could find: maybe that someday some guy/gal in the future would write a biography about me and would find this little blog (and be amaze of course! :P ) and he/she would see all the “springed“ theories that feed my little mind. One goal of mine is really to be a person that changes the world for the benefit of all mankind, and when they will study my life in the future, they will learn that life is after all a series of mistakes that will eventually lead us to one ultimate and successful conclusion.

Blogging is a part of me that gave me the chance to tell the world the things that make me tick. All these and, of course the chance to become a part of the largest community of tech-lovers that will pour their heart’s contents and tell the world that each of us have our stories to tell and blogging is the grace given to us to fulfill our own storytelling. Life is good, but what good is it if we can’t share it to people we love or to the world who are keen to learn from good examples and be wary of stories of mistakes and more mistakes.

“If we make a mistake and doesn’t correct it, then we really made a mistake” Confucius

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