
Stressed Out

August 22, 2008
10:25 PM

I’m really stressed out now. My body is aching; my mind is ready to explode. Time is short and there are a lot of deadlines, I really don’t know what situation I put myself into. Long ago, I wanted to have a busy life. Full of pressures and deadlines, full of requests from different people and I really wished a long time ago that whenever I work, I will try to extend my limits up to their breaking points.

Now, that time has come. I’m working, got lots and lots of pressures and almost to my breaking point but still I’m looking for more. What can’t I just be contented with a simple life? Projects and programs are starting to file up; with deadlines and updates in a month I think I’m losing steam.

I know deep inside I can do it; I could beat those deadlines with a smile in my fat chubby face. I know I’m holding on, I’m clinging to that single branch that prevents me from falling down a thousand-meter high cliff.

Now is the time to really prove to my self what I’m capable of doing. This is the time when I’m still adjusting my entire persona to a different world. I thought it was easy before, I really find it stressful. My only consolation is listening to the voice in the middle of the night and hearing those words that maybe I will never hear in real life. Listening to the tiny laughter that brings forth a breeze of relief to my bad and tiring day. I don’t know when these will end. I really don’t, but as long as I have that single voice I know I can overcome the pressures. I know I can finish all my work. I can become a better person. As long
as I have that voice
.... J

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