
All the Small Things

12:00 AM
Sunday, August 31, 2008

It is exactly 12:00 AM and I’m right here alone. Having a boring Saturday Night and doing the same job that I have been doing for a long time. As I look back to my past, I never really noticed how great my life turned out today.

Although I’m a little tired and feel a little hopeless because of the week’s toll on my physicality, deep inside I’m a little happy. I’m happy because of the small things that became enormous milestones that really stirred my direction in life. My family, my friends and all the special people in my life that are still standing behind me and pushing me forward to reach my goals.

I am a little naïve. I know I have dreams, but then to whom am I dedicating my dreams? Why am I working so hard every single day? Maybe for myself. Now that I have mentioned it, I finally realize the essence of working hard. It is not only for me, not even only for my family neither only for my friends nor for the only person that I believed I love the most. I’m working hard for all them, for all of you, that someday, I can become an example, a template that will inspire you to do just the same. That life is not so bad after all, that the hard works you are exerting now will become the insignia of how appreciative you are for the small things and blessings that you have encountered in life. For no matter how small they are, they are the life’s greatest treasures.

I will take this single article, just to say all my thanks and gratitude to the Divine Providence, for lending me the greatest gift of them all and that is my life. For in this gift, I have met all the persons that I know now, giving me the chance to become a part of their own lives. And also, of course, to become a part of mine.

To all the persons that I know and knows me, thank you for becoming a single shed of memory in my life. For no matter what relationship I have with you, if you are a relative, a friend, a colleague, a mentor, a teacher, a student, even a Verkzter or the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with, I swear that I will never forget you, that you will always have that special place in my heart. And every single time I will remember the moments we have spent with each other; I would just smile and say “Thank God for giving you to me”.


The Pose .... .

Do you find it strange that most of my pictures always have this strange identical pose?

Since I was a sophomore, I’ve been doing this strange habit. I really can’t explain why I’ve been doing this. I guess the pose exudes a celebrity-like status on my part.

Here are some of my pics with pretty identical poses. Notice that in every picture I’m getting cuter by a mile.

CS WEEK Celebration with Mayuse and Cyrix

Miss Teen Philippines .. A t USLS Colisuem

At Villamonte Bhaus with Riel the Pogi....

Sugarland Hotel .. . The Entire Verkzter, we own the stage!!!

With Esther and John, CS Week.....
The 3 Gurus. .. Heheh ...
The latest pic, Acquaintance Party and Freshmen Night 2008


Sir Bokx.....


I never really imagine that I will look like this infront of the class. Like a fat guy with a fitting polo and with no direction at all... Just a lame somebody with no proper stance.....

Seems like my my students never listen to me... Lolz.... Am I this boring????

I hate paparazzis.. Even during my classes, they can't stop taking my pictures.... I just hate them....

Stressed Out

August 22, 2008
10:25 PM

I’m really stressed out now. My body is aching; my mind is ready to explode. Time is short and there are a lot of deadlines, I really don’t know what situation I put myself into. Long ago, I wanted to have a busy life. Full of pressures and deadlines, full of requests from different people and I really wished a long time ago that whenever I work, I will try to extend my limits up to their breaking points.

Now, that time has come. I’m working, got lots and lots of pressures and almost to my breaking point but still I’m looking for more. What can’t I just be contented with a simple life? Projects and programs are starting to file up; with deadlines and updates in a month I think I’m losing steam.

I know deep inside I can do it; I could beat those deadlines with a smile in my fat chubby face. I know I’m holding on, I’m clinging to that single branch that prevents me from falling down a thousand-meter high cliff.

Now is the time to really prove to my self what I’m capable of doing. This is the time when I’m still adjusting my entire persona to a different world. I thought it was easy before, I really find it stressful. My only consolation is listening to the voice in the middle of the night and hearing those words that maybe I will never hear in real life. Listening to the tiny laughter that brings forth a breeze of relief to my bad and tiring day. I don’t know when these will end. I really don’t, but as long as I have that single voice I know I can overcome the pressures. I know I can finish all my work. I can become a better person. As long
as I have that voice
.... J



Saturday, August 16, 2008
11:44:29 PM

Just finish watching the greatest love story movie of all time. “CASABLANCA”. My passion for romantic stories just started a year ago, when I started writing my own great love story.

I’m in a journey now, in the middle of the journey. The stakes are higher, the pressures are greater. I am working. Working a job that maybe I like. I know this is not what I want, I want more but for now, I would just settle with my life.

This new chapter of my life has been pretty exhausting yet a very joyful experience. Every single day, you will see and mingle with different people. I meet young, talented and intelligent people who are just trying to carve their ways to their own journeys in life.

Being a teacher is a very noble profession, teaching young people and inspiring them to strive harder because in the end, success is waiting for them. I have been teaching for two months, some said that I’m a poor teacher. I know I am, yet I know myself more than anyone else. I know there is still a large room for improvement.

Experience is still the best teacher. Every single class I have is a learning experience for me. Every single time I see my students trying very hard and struggling to get a higher grade, I’m really happy deep inside. Not because they are having difficulty, but because I know that they are giving it all. They are really sweating it out, and in every difficulty not just their grades or scores improve but the most important is they are improving their own selves.

I know the future is unknown, for me and even for each and everyone of us. But right now, I’m restless; wasting my time sleeping and doing nothing will surely hurt me. I want to be very busy every single moment, never be idle. I want to know my limitations; I want to know my boundaries. When do I stop and give up? Never!!! Not for me, not for you.

Life is beautiful indeed.


WALL.E (Movie Review)

Imagine the world covered with trash... Total human extinction and not even a single living creature exists except for a mere cockroach that survived the destruction..

So far the most complex yet so simplistic animated movie of Pixar.... About a cranking old model robot left on Earth to just do what is programmed to do... To gather and recycle trash...

Then one unusual day, a high-tech probe named EVE visited Earth again to collect living specimen.... The lonely WALL.E meet a companion... A robot way out of his league...

The world then shifted from a barren one to a futuristic cruise space ship.. Man, that hurts... All the people there are all fat, relies on technology that much, just sit and do there job there... Just like me... Ouch...

Well what a great CG movie.. The best animation so far by Pixar or any other CG company.. Take that DREAMWORKS... Just looking at the 3D animations, Im really impress... Couldn't help my sleeping desire in making 3D projects ressurect again...

Superb animations!! Great storyline... A mix of action, love, thrill and of course the most important thing in a movie.. the message it entails to the viewers...

Im rating this movie a two-thumbs up rating...

5 STARS *****

I will just add next time...


Baby J-RYL

The first Verkzter Baby, I have not yet seen J-ryl in person but I know he is very cute... You still got the cute looks of your Maninoy Bokx...

Wow... Great boy, got two great parents. i know how much your Mommy Che and Daddy J.O love you so much.. So don't grow up like me.... become a good boy.. Toast.. when you grow up someday, "Mashat ta ya ah....."




Baby Kyla Sophia.... The 2nd Verkzter Baby... Fireworks and best wishes to you.. The entire Verkzter is praying that you will become successful and forever beautiful... Iyada Sofing, your gwapong gwapo Maninoy Bokx is really happy to be one of the first person to see you in this world... I guess you got your looks from me eh...

Congratz and best wishes to Mommy Hani for giving the world another pasaway... You are a mommy now and i know you will become the best Mommy in the whole wide world...


Home Sweet Home Victorias

For 18 of my toddler years, I'd been living in this little house I call HOME. This house knows every little secret of my little life story. The walls had been the unliving witness, if the hidden stories that lingers beneath the deafening silence of this humble abode.. The slow but eventful years of my growing up are full of ups and downs... This house, have always been there. No flood, no earthquake nor tornado could eventually put this good old house of mine down....

My room, the echoing humm of my rusty electric fan and my loud snores are the only noise you could here in the middle of the night in my room. The most comfortable place in any part of this world, my room could hear my little prayers and my sobs during my depression and could even echo the laughter and the joys that I felt in some of my celebration....
My room contains "ULUK" my computer, the only being that accompanies me every single and lonely nights....


More About Me

That is the real me

Well, I'm Bokx... Too Fat, Too Curious... Loves solitude, although could stand with anyone and could relate with all ages... Never been so happy, but never been so contented and hopefully could reach my goals... Dreams? to become famous in the computer world... Wish to work in Pixar or Dreamworks, own a Ferrari and of course my dream house...

Your average kind of guy, home buddy... Never like Chicks, they are just hindrance in my dreams,, Kidding... They are my inspirations, esp tall slim and beautiful .... Heheheh That's really cool!!!! Bebelepant

Just graduated from college currently an aspiring computer professor in my own alma mater.. AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE - BACOLOD....

Hope to work in large outsourcing companies, doing some programming, website development or 3D animations... But I guess I'm not that good yet... Trying to improve and develop myself to become a better person...

I love sports a lot, especially boxing, basketball, soccer and wrestling... Watch sports shows during my free time...

Collects lot of things, books, sports mags, VCD's and Naruto Anime... and The New ADD.... Bleach...

Super Lazy... Deadlines... Dreamer... Never inclined in finishing what I started.. Never intended to...

My ultimate dream is to be written in the history books and be remembered as a person who greatly changed humanity either in a good or bad way... :) But I would do it preferably in a good way...

As of my 22 years of existence in the planet Earth.. I still don't understand my real purpose... Why was I created?

As the legend grows, more questions were asked.. Is it enough to be just a keen observer or is it better to be in the main player...

Small World (encore)

Small World
Dated: July 23, 2008
Friendster Blog

What a small world I’m living in.

Growing up watching foreign TV shows from cable channels made me believe that I’m living in a very small part of the real vast world. I feel like I am just a little speck of dust.

These after all made my ambitions in life so so far-reaching. An ambition, to be a part of a larger community, more people, more opportunities and more pressures to carry on. I guess this is the life that I wanted. Although, I couldn’t fathom incredible pressures at this moment, I believe that to be bombarded by lots and lots of pressures would give me enough experiences in order to overcome much larger pressures in the future.

I want to live a life with the real world and with the real people. Maybe a life in the NY or London could help me in my dreams. Where in the pressures are so real and decisions could change the course of humanity.

It is really appealing to see the protagonists in the Hollywood films, wherein their actions would really change the course of history. I want to be that star actor. Maybe in the future, my life and works could change and help humanity and make the world a better place to live in.

It is just a dream, a wild punch to the moon but no one really knows. No one knows, no one.

Stage Play (encore)

From my Friendster Blog.....
Dated August 1, 2007.....
A little ray of hope

During the award ceremony

Stage Play

It seems yesterday. When I was still dependent on my parents, when all I need was asked them my allowance per week. But, yeah, time is really fast. Now, the tables are turned. It is now my responsibility to provide all the needs of our family. In a couple of months, when my role as a student will be over, I will still continue to be a part of the play. A new character. A new role. Much more difficult than my previous. Hell, way difficult, but I have prepared for this role. A decade of preparation, that is. “Lord, give me the courage and the power to dutifully act on the new role that you have bestowed upon me.” Time flies really fast. It seems like yesterday.

Let there be light.....

That is me in 3 different shots.... Pretty cool eh????

First Pic... Beginning of my college dream.... When I was 17 yrs of age... Where the desire to be successful is as fresh as the morning dew.... Where in another chapter of life will just take its course and hoping against hope that everything small things will just fit in its right peg...

Second pic... My graduation pic... Me wearing my tight toga... Strangulation!!!!! A conclusion of a large disappointment... Everything seems so right yet nothing seems in place.... The blame is on me... Choosing the easier wrong way rather than the long and winding right way...

Third pic.. Another chapter begins... Full of fantasy... Professionalism... Zeal... and desire to become the best... I now decided that it is time for me to face reality because Im not a boy now... I couldn't flip the pages of storybook to change my past... Im holding my present. To guide me to the right future.....