
Work Ethics

A long time ago, when I was still learning how to create programs, my zeal was overwhelming. My desire to learn was so massive that I even scare myself. The chance of learning something new and far greater is the most appealing thing in a learning mind. After I learned all the basics, and become an intermediate programmer, all my zeal and gusto just disappear.

How can I regain all those lost zeal? How can I become the same person that was eager to learn and try all the codes in the books. Now that my source of income and probably of my future family is programming and web development, how can I be so dumb of losing the zeal.

I dont need reasons, I need actions. To wake me up. To tell me that I need to work my a$$ off. It is just so frustrating that as time goes by, lots and lots of projects and codes becomes more and more delayed . I know from experience that it sucks but I guess I need a kick in the bottom to wake me up..

I'm currently jobless, hoping it will end soon. Time is passing by, and at the age of 25, my life is beginning to slip away from my grasps. Oh, how I hate it.. Oh how I hate it....

1 comment:

Zylly Hymn said...

u jz nid somebody to love and be inspired...