As I'm looking for that reason for my motivation, I was kinda surprised to see that I don't have any logical reason that keeps me motivated for my improved actions. It's like I am always looking for reasons, that would justify my actions. An escape route for those who falter in their principles..
I have not written in this little blog of mine for a very long time. I guess moving on is really hard to do. But right at this moment, I guess I've accomplished what other people had failed to do, I thought I couldn't never do it, I move on. Moving forward will only be the direction that I will be going.
Finally, with all regrets and pains, it is the thing of the past. The promise to be the pillar of her success was accomplished. The rough stone turned into a priceless diamond..... I guess I now understand the feeling of the goblins and their ill-will attitude to the wand-bearers. Just like the sword of Gryffindor, full of rubies and only the courageous could hold and use, I'm not worthy for that sword.
2011 is a great and interesting year. I ended a relationship, will quit my job, venture into another field and most likely, become someone that I'm trying to become. I will give you the details for these things in the near future.