
Change of Views

It is been a long time since I look at this keyboard and notice how the letters and numbers will be my refuge in another little misfit.

Oh dear, now that I read back those lines, I could not even remembered my last article. Seems like I’m the same as ever. Nothing has changed, nothing is changing, and nothing will change. This is me, and as I see myself now, I’m not destined to do great things. As I’m thinking the next words for this article, I cruise a little journey back to memory lane, wherein I categorized myself as a dreamer and as a future achiever. But all is gone and few little ingenuity was left from those unlimited pit of dreams.

How my life turned a BIG U-Turn this way, I don’t know. In a matter of few months, I may make or break my life. Together with it, my dreams, my little prayers, my goals and even the relationship I have with the people I love.

Isn’t it strange? When a time in your life would come that you have never expected, and then you don’t know what to do or handle everything. I wish I could adapt. Because that is what humans do, adapt to the situation, make the best out of it and learn from those mistakes. And hope to God darn well that you will never make the same mistakes all over again.

I noticed as of late that my views of life have changed. From the disapprovingly pessimistic person to an overly eager optimist, I have gradually transformed. I don’t like it and as always will try a little harder to become what I want to be myself ideally. But then of course, there will be a lot to be done. There is no stopping it now.

As I end this article I would share a little saying from a dear friend of mine, Bill Cosby (ASA).

”I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody”.

It seems like that saying had been the missing link to my current situation. I’m pleaser but it brought nothing good to my life.

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