
Christmas Season

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Ti's the season to be jolly pra lalala...

For the first time in 5 years, I just attended my AGUINALDO mass this morning. Yeah... After succesully completing two straight years of 9 mornings when I was in high school, I never ever went to any aguinaldo mass prior today.

Seems like it was a little nostalgic on my part, since living in the city and having this kind of lifestyle gave me the difficulty of sleeping early and waking up at dawn.

After this morning, I never reaized how I really miss doing going to church. After all, I still have my faith fully intact.

I've had my first Communion in 8 months. (shocking but true.)

This Aguinaldo season, I will try my hardest to complete my masses, if I can't then I will just leave it to the others who could complete..

By the way, I am greeting all the members of the CYBERWORLD "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" and may the spirit of Christmas may truly reigns in the hearts of each and everyone of us...

"GIFT KO!!!!"

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