

This is just a glimpse of how my students look like in the classroom. This is the last meeting of our class in our semester, so we decided to have a "CLASS PICTURE". This section is a combination of IT and Engineering students and they were learning HTML in this subject.

This is a very enjoyable subject and we really had very enjoyable experiences. Hopefully, this subject opened their eyes so that they could see the real beauty of the web development.

Hopefully, in the future, I could handle another subject with them..


Chamion Archer - How I love this Game

I've been playing this cute game this past few days, although sometimes tiring, it is really fun and enjoyable... One of my most likable character in movies and games are the ranged characters wherein they could attack enemies from a distance and at the same time safe from harm's way.

Hope you enjoy this game and eventually you have just witness one of my childish act..

Happy Gaming....

Christmas Season

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Ti's the season to be jolly pra lalala...

For the first time in 5 years, I just attended my AGUINALDO mass this morning. Yeah... After succesully completing two straight years of 9 mornings when I was in high school, I never ever went to any aguinaldo mass prior today.

Seems like it was a little nostalgic on my part, since living in the city and having this kind of lifestyle gave me the difficulty of sleeping early and waking up at dawn.

After this morning, I never reaized how I really miss doing going to church. After all, I still have my faith fully intact.

I've had my first Communion in 8 months. (shocking but true.)

This Aguinaldo season, I will try my hardest to complete my masses, if I can't then I will just leave it to the others who could complete..

By the way, I am greeting all the members of the CYBERWORLD "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" and may the spirit of Christmas may truly reigns in the hearts of each and everyone of us...

"GIFT KO!!!!"


A Happy and Incomplete Birthday

Friday that was, December 5, the day I celebrated my 23rd birthday. It is also my first b-day as a teacher and it is truly a magnificent succession of events.

What truly amazed me were the greetings of all the persons that really mattered to me the most. Truly indeed, it was astonishing experience on my part that even at that very moment when the clock turns 12 midnight; someone unexpectedly made the effort of waking up and sending me an SMS greeting me on my special day. That would be the Queen of Vito herself. Lolz...

The entire day was spent with receiving greeting from my families, co-teachers, guardians, students, friends, barkadas and all the persons that I am really spending my entire life with.

It was a first for me, to have a numerous individuals that greeted me at that time. It’s like an ecstasy on my side. Plus all the comments in my profile on Friendster.com, it is truly amazing how people would make you really feel special and blessed during that very particular day.

You may wonder why there is an ”Incomplete” adjective in the title of this post, that is unfortunately true.

This is also my first birthday that I am a little different from what I’ve been used to. Truly amazing in fact that, I never really understand myself right now, I don’t know what to do, how to act and even what to think during situations I’ve never encountered before.

That very special day was incomplete for this reason alone. I truly dreamt of spending maybe just a single short moment, but then I still don’t control everything in this world, and all I can do is just stare away while days passed by, thinking if only it happened.

But totally, it was a very good experience on my part. All I need now is to announce to the cyberworld my gratitude to every single person, whoever you are who made my birthday a very special one. I will treasure that day and keep it as one of my vast collection of good memories.

Yeah you read me right, I’m 23... Believe it!!!!


Prayer to Manny

Sunday... The People's Champ will again jump into the ring to fight for his people... All Filipinos' eyes will be tuning on the television's set on Sunday, whether it would be on PPV or just the delayed telecast on local networks, the entire PACMAN nation will support the CHAMP.

No matter how bad the articles about the matchup and how underdog Manny will be, I, together with all the other Filipino fans and even fans all over the world will be chanting "MANNY" and watch our local hero slug it out in the ring against probably one of the best boxer in the world.

So 4 days, I join all the other Filipinos out there in praying for the victory of Manny Pacquiao. His victory is not only his personal victory but will also become the victory of the entire nation.....



AMA BACOLOD Employees Night (Chicken J)

Keeping it Real

Every person is responsible for the consequences of his or her actions.

This was what Mario Puzo said in his book "The Last Don". I really believe in that saying until now, if something goes wrong with your life, don't blame anybody. Blame yourself!

Destiny is defined as somebody's preordained future: the apparently predetermined and inevitable series of events that happen to somebody or something.

I really did believe in destiny a long time ago, that each one of us no matter what we do will certainly fulfill the destiny entrusted to us. As life goes on, I was amazed of how could I change the way of my life by doing what I must during situations I thought I could not overcome.

That is merely the difference. How you act to change your fate to choose the life that you really wanted., To prove to the world that the constellations and the placement of the stars will not dictate me in how I live my life.