
Poppa’s Birthday

The 25th Day of October 2008
Poppa’s Birthday

My old man is already 60 years of age, seems old enough for my age huh... He is in his retirement age and ready to take his pension and could take his well-earned rest after a long grueling and sacrificial life. But I know, he is a stubborn bull that will continue to work harder to make sure our family will still have enough for ourselves. That is my poppa...

He was 38 years of age when they gave birth to me, seems a little late but understandable. He is the type of person who will do anything; just anything to make sure his family will have enough food for the table even if he will only have a single slice of the fish. He is the type of dad that will make sure you will graduate in your studies even if he will work crawling every single day to pay for the expenses. So that is the reason why he married late in his life, when most of his bro and sis have had there children already and living there own lives, he was still a bachelor.

That is the reason of the age difference. Amazing it may seem but it is one of the reasons why my Poppa for me is the greatest DAD of them all. Although he is not the talkie type of a father, but he taught my lessons of life by showing me every single moment and actions really do speak louder than words. He set the examples of how I’m going to run my future family.

Well, the party was of course a very enjoyable one where most of the clan was there. But the greatest gift he received was the “reunification” of our family. For more than a year of separation, we spent the day together for the first time under a single roof. Although he wasn’t saying anything, I know he is happy. I know he was longing for that moment to arrive.

So, to end this article, just wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear Poppa... I know right now all your dreams for us have just been realized, we’ve graduated. That is the fruit of your labors. So, just wanna say to the GREATEST DAD of ALL TIME, thank you for all the time, hard work and lessons that you have been teaching me all this time, and I salute you!! I’m really proud of having a Poppa like you. I know we don’t have a choice in choosing our father, but if God gave me the choice, I’m still going to choose you. That is how much I loved you as a father.

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