“Everything happens for a reason. “
No matter what reason it may, whether we like it or not, everything will always be with a reason. Sometimes as I’m thinking, could the reasons of what is happening to me right now, be good enough to take the risk?
The RISKRisk - jeopardy, peril, hazard, menace, threat
Only by taking risk could man truly feel the savor of victory, only by taking risk could man truly appreciate defeat. It is then by risk that I will venture in this life I’m living.
I’ve totally and absently confronted risk face-to-face. My mind would tell me that the risk is too great, that maybe the fruits of the risk are not really worth that much. I have doubts, I really do, I’m not as valiant as the person that I hope I’m projecting to be. The risk I engaged long before was really larger than life. The risk that I’m taking right now could totally destroy my whole being.
But only by taking the risk, I will be contented, only by taking the risk I will have the peace of mind, and only by taking the risk that I hope I will never regret in the future that I have done nothing and become fearful of the consequences of that risk. The risk of caring, loving and devoting all that I’ve to a very special being.
The FEARFear - dread, anxiety, horror, distress, fright, panic, alarm, trepidation, apprehension
It is by understanding the risk that I will know its consequences, then by knowing the consequences I will feel fear.
What is in this fear? The fear that the risk I will take will bring me consequences that I can’t entirely fathom. The fear that the risk I will take will eventually be not worth it.
The fear that maybe what is happening is not really what it seems to be. The fear that maybe everything I ever felt, seen, touched and knew were all just a mirage of false hopes.
Then when there is fear, that will only be the time that I will lose confidence in myself and lose the heart to continue to take on the risk. For fear is the ghost that my mind will create and will slowly eat me from the inside. Slowly. Gradually. Until I will succumb to the fear, until I will have nothing left but regrets.
The JOYJoy - delight, pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, ecstasy, elation
Now, this is what I’m really after for. The joy and the happiness that I will feel when taking the risk will only be enough to close my eyes to reality and allow me to face no matter what consequences will lay down my path. I know the risk, I fear the consequence, yet here I am, taking the risk, facing the consequences. For what? For simply looking for that little joy in my heart, that would be enough.
I know the risk is too much. I’m not sure what will be the outcome of this; I’m not even ever sure why this has happened in the first place. I’m also not sure if there will be a happy ending.
But one thing is sure, for a long period of time, I’ve never really been this happy. Simpleton.. Of course, for I never understand life neither comprehends love. But by feeling love, I’m happy for now. It was the risk I took before, there are still fears but be strong young man, for the joy is overwhelming.
My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!