It is been a long time since I covet a time to write in this blog. After maybe two weeks of deadlines, projects, theses, and submission of grades, at last everything is over!
First Job
The article is dedicated for my overall assessment of my first ever job and all the experiences I had had in my first six months as a full time college instructor.
I really felt lucky, not just me but also my family that I landed a very good job right after I graduated in college. In the growing society of ours, where opportunities are limited and resources are scarce, it is by sheer luck that a few people could land a job after graduation. Lucky me that my very own alma mater offered me a teaching job and gave the chance to share what little amount of knowledge I gained to my fellow students.
Of course, at first I was hesitant. There are a lot of factors that bugged my mind and gave me little doubts if this is the right profession for me. Of course, my ideal job would be maybe a programmer in an outsourcing company here in Bacolod or maybe a graphic artist or animator. Becoming a teacher, of course it crossed my mind but it was so distant that I clearly never considered it before.
So my first day came, I really needed that time to establish a fine line between me and the students to make sure that the relationship will still remain even if they already knew me before. Having a lot of acquaintances during my student days really gave me a difficulty as I embarked in my new role not as a student but this time around as a faculty. Unfortunately, some of my classmates in high school became my students in college which of course was a little savvy and a little awkward.
SO as time passed, I was amazed of how fast I adjusted in a new environment. Maybe staying there for five years was a big help in easily adapting to the existing system of my alma mater.
Crazy and Funny Experiences
As a professional having my first work wherein I’m going to receive my salary was of course a very exciting part for me. I really can’t imagine that after the entire struggle I have had in college, at last I’m going to earn my first ever paycheck. I was like a farmer that will harvest the crop of the seeds that I have sown. But I really never anticipated that harvesting the crop is still a very arduous and very irritating activity. Maybe this is one of the greatest setback of my first job overall. (SWELDO KO!!!!! huhuhuuhhuhu)
But of course, the greatest experiences I have during my entire first semester are the friendship and the rapport that I’ve created with my wonderful and cute students (ASA!!!).. and of course the fulfillment of seeing my students radically improved and totally learned something from my subjects that will surely help them in their futures. I guess, it is unnoticeable but seeing them, really gave me the contentment of successfully or should I say satisfactorily accomplished the true meaning of the profession of teaching.
Although it may seem emotional or gay, at least I’m proud and I know deep inside I really am proud. But it still doesn’t end there, it is only the beginning. A new semester will open soon, and after a thorough self assessment, I believe there is still a limitless room of improvement for me. So don’t you worry BOKXTERS, I will be better. I will be, that is an assurance.
Don't You Wish Your BF was HOT like ME
When she walks away from you mad- Follow her
When she stare's at your lips-Kiss her
When she pushes you or hits you- Grab her and don’t let go
When she start's cursing at you-Kiss her and tell her you love her
When she's quiet-Ask her what’s wrong
When she ignore's you-Give her your attention
When she pulls away- Pull her back
When you see her at her worst- Tell her she's beautiful
When you see her start crying-Just hold her and don’t say a word
When you see her walking- Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she's scared- Protect her
When she lays her head on your shoulder-Tilt her head up and kiss her
When she steal's your favorite hat- Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
When she teases you- Tease her back and make her laugh
When she doesn’t answer for a long time- reassure her that everything is okay
When she looks at you with doubt- Back yourself up with the TRUTH
When she says that she likes you- she really does more than you could understand
When she grabs at your hands- Hold hers and play with her fingers
When she bumps into you- bump into her back and make her laugh
When she tells you a secret- keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes- don’t look away until she does
When you break her heart- the pain NEVER really goes away
When she says its over-she STILL wants you to be hers
When she repost this bulletin- she wants you to read it
- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
- DON'T let her have the last word
-always call her when you know somethings wrong
-Pretty and beautiful is soo much better than calling her hot.
- Say you love her more than she could ever love you
- Argue that she is the best girl ever
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don’t believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Tease her and let her tease you back
-Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid
- Give her the world
- Let her wear your clothes
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;"Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"
Self-Searching ( Encore )
I wrote this entry after our Freshmen Night Night... The graduation was near... What I did was search myself and it help me a lot during those unknown and doubtful times...
Sunday, August 05, 2007 1:50:51 AM
I need to write this. I need to put this into words and letters.
Just arrived from one of my school’s activity. I spent most of the time alone and thinking. The program was great; I had a few laughs and chuckles. But in the later part, got bored and spent the time alone watching the flowing current of the fountain. I never had one of those “self-searching” moments for a long time and with the solitude, it was granted upon me.
At first, it was just the same things that always bothered me a lot. Things such as; what I am doing now in my life, what future do I have, how can I improve my life. Those kinds of stuff that always clogged up my mind and makes me realize reality in the purest sense.
But as the “meditation” went deeper, then came the fear. I don’t know how or why, but it came rushing through me like a tsunami slamming itself in the beach.
I never had one of those deep self-thinking that made me sweat profusely. Why then I became afraid of all of a sudden? As I thought of my life now, the frequent misfits I have, the wasting of my time doing nonsense and unnecessary stuffs, the sudden turn of events that caused a deep cut in my once-a-complete plan, I couldn’t help thinking of the reasons and its probable consequences.
I have a big problem inside of me. I feel like I’m a cracked china vase that could break into small pieces in an instant that someone would knock it off its place. I feel so brittle, so weak and so defenseless. One moment of hesitation in my decisions now could suddenly make my whole world a living hell. Why do I feel this unpleasant feeling?
I got some reasons here, but I’m still not sure of its validity. The first reason that keeps knocking in my large skull is the uncertainty of my future.
Damn, I have prepared myself for a long time for that very moment in the shifting of my life and career. I had done my fair share of the burden. As I start my college year, I had already kept in mind to work hard and equipped myself with all the things and knowledge that I could accumulate in school and in self-study. Four long years of college education that was supposedly finish with three, which is a very long waste of time and money for my parents could have lessen by a few months.
What do I fear then? I guess I fear that very moment. I fear that I had no enough knowledge and skills to cope up with the real life. I fear that someday I will regret the days in which I have not done my best. That I was stupidly lazy, that I chose of being idle than putting up some few sweats in some relatively promising activities.
August 5. That is the date now. I was bothered this much about myself. I never felt that I was this weak physically, mentally and emotionally. I wrote some blogs before of things of what I want myself to be and of things that I will do on my life to improve my current sate.
2:25:01 AM
One of my worst fear is also the things that other people would say to me when I fail or I could not meet their expectations. I had been telling myself over and over again! “Don’t mind what the people would say. You are far better than them in more ways you can imagine.” But the guilt and fear of suddenly making the wrong decisions that could affect the image that I had been building up all this time continues to haunt me.
It seems that I had not prepared enough to ensure myself of the stability of my future. That the fair share I was saying before was in fact a one sided affair of a disillusioned braggart who dreams big but falls real hard.
I am afraid. I know that, afraid of things that would break the threads that hold the different parts of my life. The threads are thin and breakable.
I never felt so down in my life. I know I’m not ready. I will never be. The vast pressure that awaits me in the near future is so surreal that it already gave me goose-bumps. I feel weak.
I don’t know what to do. It seems that my life will nearly end another chapter in my life. Two months, the remaining time left for me. I believe those months will be a great factor in my life. This could be one of the biggest turning points of my life. Spare me the jitters.
Sunday, August 05, 2007 1:50:51 AM
I need to write this. I need to put this into words and letters.
Just arrived from one of my school’s activity. I spent most of the time alone and thinking. The program was great; I had a few laughs and chuckles. But in the later part, got bored and spent the time alone watching the flowing current of the fountain. I never had one of those “self-searching” moments for a long time and with the solitude, it was granted upon me.
At first, it was just the same things that always bothered me a lot. Things such as; what I am doing now in my life, what future do I have, how can I improve my life. Those kinds of stuff that always clogged up my mind and makes me realize reality in the purest sense.
But as the “meditation” went deeper, then came the fear. I don’t know how or why, but it came rushing through me like a tsunami slamming itself in the beach.
I never had one of those deep self-thinking that made me sweat profusely. Why then I became afraid of all of a sudden? As I thought of my life now, the frequent misfits I have, the wasting of my time doing nonsense and unnecessary stuffs, the sudden turn of events that caused a deep cut in my once-a-complete plan, I couldn’t help thinking of the reasons and its probable consequences.
I have a big problem inside of me. I feel like I’m a cracked china vase that could break into small pieces in an instant that someone would knock it off its place. I feel so brittle, so weak and so defenseless. One moment of hesitation in my decisions now could suddenly make my whole world a living hell. Why do I feel this unpleasant feeling?
I got some reasons here, but I’m still not sure of its validity. The first reason that keeps knocking in my large skull is the uncertainty of my future.
Damn, I have prepared myself for a long time for that very moment in the shifting of my life and career. I had done my fair share of the burden. As I start my college year, I had already kept in mind to work hard and equipped myself with all the things and knowledge that I could accumulate in school and in self-study. Four long years of college education that was supposedly finish with three, which is a very long waste of time and money for my parents could have lessen by a few months.
What do I fear then? I guess I fear that very moment. I fear that I had no enough knowledge and skills to cope up with the real life. I fear that someday I will regret the days in which I have not done my best. That I was stupidly lazy, that I chose of being idle than putting up some few sweats in some relatively promising activities.
August 5. That is the date now. I was bothered this much about myself. I never felt that I was this weak physically, mentally and emotionally. I wrote some blogs before of things of what I want myself to be and of things that I will do on my life to improve my current sate.
2:25:01 AM
One of my worst fear is also the things that other people would say to me when I fail or I could not meet their expectations. I had been telling myself over and over again! “Don’t mind what the people would say. You are far better than them in more ways you can imagine.” But the guilt and fear of suddenly making the wrong decisions that could affect the image that I had been building up all this time continues to haunt me.
It seems that I had not prepared enough to ensure myself of the stability of my future. That the fair share I was saying before was in fact a one sided affair of a disillusioned braggart who dreams big but falls real hard.
I am afraid. I know that, afraid of things that would break the threads that hold the different parts of my life. The threads are thin and breakable.
I never felt so down in my life. I know I’m not ready. I will never be. The vast pressure that awaits me in the near future is so surreal that it already gave me goose-bumps. I feel weak.
I don’t know what to do. It seems that my life will nearly end another chapter in my life. Two months, the remaining time left for me. I believe those months will be a great factor in my life. This could be one of the biggest turning points of my life. Spare me the jitters.
COMPO3 Projects
Jonathan and Jeddah's Work
Jayrold and Pfiezer's Work
Escalante Website
Alvin and Junel's Work
Stalin Cuenca's Work .....
Herman and Anthony's Work
Rhen Joy and Kerenza's Work
Sleeping Giants
I was rummaging in “My Pictures” directory and I saw these photos. I couldn’t help but smile on the memories that rushed back into my brains.
Imagine 13 young guys and gals, together under one roof.... That was really one of the best moments in our friendship. Although it seemed so far, yet living a wall behind this house really brought back the funny experiences we had had with the Entire Verkzters.
This was the night before the Defense of the Thesis B where everyone was on the rush and sleep-deprived. Tired, sleepy and all... We just hit the pillows and sleep to our heart’s content. Mayuse, took these photos and had the greatest laugh of them all...
Imagine 13 young guys and gals, together under one roof.... That was really one of the best moments in our friendship. Although it seemed so far, yet living a wall behind this house really brought back the funny experiences we had had with the Entire Verkzters.
This was the night before the Defense of the Thesis B where everyone was on the rush and sleep-deprived. Tired, sleepy and all... We just hit the pillows and sleep to our heart’s content. Mayuse, took these photos and had the greatest laugh of them all...
Not Feeling Well
My body is giving up on me now.. I feel so tired... My nerves are all shaking... Got this little pain in the head...
I know Im not well... I know I need a rest.. But if only I could live another week or more before a long rest.. Then that would be the time that I could recover from all the stress and strain that is taking its toll on me..
A week left... That is all there is left... So why now??? But I will just hold on.. After all... SEMBREAK is waiting... HMMMMM....
I truly need a break... I wish I could spend it with you........
I know Im not well... I know I need a rest.. But if only I could live another week or more before a long rest.. Then that would be the time that I could recover from all the stress and strain that is taking its toll on me..
A week left... That is all there is left... So why now??? But I will just hold on.. After all... SEMBREAK is waiting... HMMMMM....
I truly need a break... I wish I could spend it with you........
Sunday night here and working still...
2 weeks still and the semester will end. My first ever sembreak as a teacher. Still I really find it fascinating that after all these months, I couldn't believe the position I'm in right now...
This period of my life will surely become a milestone of my story. I have my first job as a professional, all my life I live depending on my family, not right now. i received my first salary.. Became a one-day millionaire.. Became broke again but I'm happy... That is all there is in my life right now...
But the most important thing right now, is the uncontainable emotion I have deep within me.. Emotion I can't recognize, emotion I can't even distinguish, nor understand... Emotion so great that sometimes it never ceases to amaze me.....
After the conclusion of one of the worst chapter in my life, which I will share here in the future if I'm completely ready, my life really took a rollercoaster ride to the top....
Remember this day... For this will become a defining moment of my life... This is the day that I really really feel that I have become a complete being...
This is my milestone... This my life... This is my story... Cornix yet true...
2 weeks still and the semester will end. My first ever sembreak as a teacher. Still I really find it fascinating that after all these months, I couldn't believe the position I'm in right now...
This period of my life will surely become a milestone of my story. I have my first job as a professional, all my life I live depending on my family, not right now. i received my first salary.. Became a one-day millionaire.. Became broke again but I'm happy... That is all there is in my life right now...
But the most important thing right now, is the uncontainable emotion I have deep within me.. Emotion I can't recognize, emotion I can't even distinguish, nor understand... Emotion so great that sometimes it never ceases to amaze me.....
After the conclusion of one of the worst chapter in my life, which I will share here in the future if I'm completely ready, my life really took a rollercoaster ride to the top....
Remember this day... For this will become a defining moment of my life... This is the day that I really really feel that I have become a complete being...
This is my milestone... This my life... This is my story... Cornix yet true...
Nostalgia - encore
(Friendster Blog) - encore
June 11th, 2007 by bokybokx
It happened so fast that the wind that hit my face was a kilometer away when I turned back…
Never thought that revitalizing one’s mind could possibly starts a chain reaction. Every hormone producing gland in my body started to function in such a way that reminded of the past. The past, I thought that was long gone. But here it is again, knocking on my doorstep and laying itself like a rug to be step upon.
Deja vû all over again… It happened when I thought it was the end. It happened when everything seemed out-of-place. It happened in the most needed and unexpected time.
I say all the words of gratitude to the Divine Providence.
June 11th, 2007 by bokybokx
It happened so fast that the wind that hit my face was a kilometer away when I turned back…
Never thought that revitalizing one’s mind could possibly starts a chain reaction. Every hormone producing gland in my body started to function in such a way that reminded of the past. The past, I thought that was long gone. But here it is again, knocking on my doorstep and laying itself like a rug to be step upon.
Deja vû all over again… It happened when I thought it was the end. It happened when everything seemed out-of-place. It happened in the most needed and unexpected time.
I say all the words of gratitude to the Divine Providence.
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