


Wish you all the best in your studies and in your journey called life. May God bless you and your family............ be thankful for all the blessings you have in your life esp. your friends.. learn to see the beauty in differences because that is what friendship is all about......

Leo, my last message for you. Go and multiply!!!!!!!!!!


Dream Coming True - Charice Pempengco

Charice Pempengco duet with her IDOL CELINE DION
Madison Square Garden

I'm Really Proud to be a PINOY!!!!!


Friday, September 26, 2008

8:30:22 PM

I’m a simpleton.

I’m living my dream.

I’m just a normal young boy living in this crazy world, working a little harder for the fulfillment of my dreams, doing my best to make those dreams into realities.

But dreams are useless when you are not sharing them with the people that matters to you the most. I’m thinking that if maybe someday, just maybe I could reach the top and fulfill my dreams yet I’m all alone at the peak, could be the fulfillment of those dreams be worthwhile? Could I become truly accomplished?

Those are million dollar questions. It is really an eye-opener for me to realize that reaching your dreams will always never be enough; it is the fulfillment that you will feel when you are sharing it with the persons you love and loved you in return.

So DREAM BIG... Dreams are limitless!! But always remember, fulfilled dreams will become empty bottles floating in the sea if there is no one in this world that you can share them with.


One Normal Exam Day

The day started out just fine, a normal exam day. Then it came in. The news that one of my best student met an accident, luckily it was not that fatal. No lives were lost but then I still feel a little different. The feeling of uneasiness, concern and combination of different emotions.

For me as a first time teacher, I didn't know how to react first. I realized right there and then that in reality, I don't have any control on the lives and actions of the persons that are close to me. That in an instance, maybe fate could take them away from me. Fortunately, everything is fine and I know things will just work out that way.

For my student, he will have an operation tomorrow. He will be included in my silent prayers, for him to recover faster. I know if there is a person who can do it, it would be you ART..

To the Insertion BArkada... Heheh.. Just support and support... You need each other now more than ever... And always remember.... I will always be here for each and everyone of you...

Let's INSERT!!!!!!!


Masters Report

It is Saturday noon here, got a little busy these past few days. I was preparing for my report for my Masters Degree. It took me a whole week to finish my report. Late night works and mid-morning plans... Been so busy, got a little time to spare for blogging.

The report was better than expected, really thought that it would be a disaster but then again pressures brought good things out of me. The Dean observed our class during my report. got a little overboard. I got conscious, some little mispronunciation and nerves...

But it was a good learning experience on my part, shaked off the nerves infront of people who are better than me and came out good.

That was really a good experience, raised the level of my confidence soaring up.

I also owed my good report to my acorn. I was so HIGH when I was reporting. Never really expected that my acorn would provide me with the push....

THanks ACORN!!!!


Happy Birthday My Little Sarah Joy!!!


Just wanna take this moment to greet a very special person... Simple Sarah... Hehehehe

HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From your Nong Sir!!!!!!!!!!!


My Little Acorn

Im crazy about my Little Acorn!!!

Genesis of the Verkzter

Verkzter Pics... The best group of friends the world has ever seen... When we are a little younger, everything was just all fun .... From school activities to Barkada gimiks... having the Verkzter is one of thebest moments in my life...

So guys and gals, you will forever be my Verkzters, and our children will be little Verkzters 2..

Miss you guys..... I have treasured all the moments that we have shared together.. :)




8 months of hardwork, determination and endurance! The fruit of all the sleepless and the whirlwind adventure of three young male born in 3 different decades.. LOLZ

Our thesis project as a partial requirement of our degree course in AMA Computer College - Bacolod. Created by three young friends in college to showcase to the world the fruits of our labors.

The project was based on the idea of creating a Virtual Tour to all the tourist destinations here in Bacolod City, a little too ambitious on our part. But then again, dream big and take the risk, for the triumph will be as sweet as the kiss of true love. What was that??? :)

To our group, Daddy, Paul and Bokybokx!!!! Congratulations!! For earning the recognition that we deserve and also for creating a long-lasting friendship. To the fun we had under one roof will forever be cherished. Although we differ in age and maturity, unity and laughter during the difficult times were the best lessons that I learned in our adventure.

I will post some of the 3D animations here in the future so you better watch out...

the CD COVER of our thesis. A taste of what is inside

Some of the Screenshots of the Downtown Area, Bacolod City...

We are all Young

Mambukal Mountain Resort...
Still strangers with each other having a little fun in the river.
Verkzters in the pics: Chantal, Star, Mating, Ellen, Denden, Hani and Mayuse

I am not wearing anything there... Could you see it??

With Sir Mervin.... Our Physics Teacher....
Macho Boy Bokx.....


Araw ng Lahi

AUGUST 22, 2008


Sunday Ever After

Sunday, August 31, 2008
10:01:21 PM

Just finished hearing that little old voice again, then I ask myself; do I really deserve to hear that voice? Do I deserve the time that is being allotted to me everyday single day?

I don’t know and I’m never ever be sure of the answer. But one thing is for certain, that in my life now, no matter what will happen in the future; this will become one of the most memorable of all. It is a little strange on my part, so foreign, so unknown yet it feels good.

Although tonight seems so risky and so a little overboard on my part, it is all worth while. I do believe that in life, one of the best treasures you accumulate are the memories of every ups and downs that your life will ever give you. That someday in the future, when I feel so weak and old, all I’ve got to do is to retrieve those memories and all the pains and sorrows will slowly and totally disappear. Then the coveted smile would gladly return to my face.

By the way, I know that what happened was very risky. So I will try my best that it will never happen again. I have waited for years to have memories like these, and I will never ever do childish mistakes that would make destiny take those moments from me. I can wait. I can wait..................