

           Well, I'm back, and effin tired. There are two major achievements I had this first half of year 2017. I graduated my Master in Information Technology and passed the Civil Service Examination. These two was dashed out in my list of Life Goals. I could dare say that 2017 started quite awesome and fantastically great.

           It's nearly 2 weeks after the opening of class and I missed the summer already. My summer was amazingly great. We travelled to Manila, Ilocos, Ilo-ilo and Cebu. So as of the moment, since the summer and in great satisfaction, I went on a hiatus. All chills, party, food, travel and all the leisure of life packed together for nearly four months already.

          How can a hiatus helps me in life? For a start, it slowly lessen my drive to the things that I'm passionate about, namely programming and teaching. And after four months, it totally dropped to nearly ZERO..

          So is this a bad thing? Nope, because it created the thing they call HUNGER. This hunger will become the fuel to start great things again. This hunger will be the motor that starts driving again. This hunger will eventually ignites the innermost passion which was lost during the hiatus.

          The hiatus gives me a pause in life. To plan it again, to create new strategy and  the best part it, to set new goals in my journey in life. This is the last week of my Hiatus. On the first day of July, a newer fuel will again ignites my journey called Life.

My advice to you guys, when you achieve your goals, take a hiatus. 


Live for the moment

Sometimes you just have to stop thinking about "What would happen tomorrow or the day after that, when  any moment of time, if Im not that careful my life could end". What's the purpose of overthinking things that may or may not happen and sacrifice what you can possibly to at this very moment.

That's a new insight of my life, just live for the moment. The NOW, the present, the today and try work out everything tomorrow because if you are things are working out today, then for sure it will just works as fine in the future...


What to do?

What to do when you were told that you need to have a very expensive medical checkup and probably a much more expensive treatment?

There are things in life that would come to a sudden halt because of circumstances like these. As my life is currently going through with this, I'm looking at the options I have right now;

1. Find a donor or charity.

  Since its a very expensive process, looking at charities and the government to fund it or maybe subsidize is great option. But it's a little bit far-fetched.

2. Save..

Since working with 2 jobs could make me save, I could do that also. Although with the current overhead expenses, it would take a couple of years before I could afford the treatment.

3. Lottery

Everyday, just place your bet on the lottery.. Maybe I can hit it off with 0.00000000000013 chances of winning

4. Look for another job..

Find a more financially gratifying job then save.

5. Setup a company

Start a startup company, with a minimal of 5% chance of success, I could hit off one big time deal and go for the treatment.

6. Find a rich wife

My heart is on this one..

Hmmmmmm.. But with all these options, I probably go with the fifth one.


Life Is Short

When your life is always in danger, that little fear behind your mind that continues to haunt you with questions of when will be an attack would come? When will that blood clot would prevent blood flow happen? With these kind of questions on your mind, it tends to make you ask that question; If I die tomorrow, what would be my legacy in this world?

What would it be then? Damn!! When you yourself doesn't even know the specific answer to the questions, it feels daunting. But there are also a lot of generic answers, these answers are ultimately vague in a sense that you still don't know but you have that slimmer of idea of where you are going.

So, with the variable of having dangers in your life at a very young age, the time frame of all those answers will immediately be push up to a nearer date. The dream of having a home, a family and a thriving business must be done in the nearest of times possible. The dream of having a renowned product on the market also must be finished and launched at the same time.

Life is short. Life is depressing. Life is painful. Life is unfair. But life is also great to be given the chance to correct all the mistakes done in the past. So that when the time the question of What would Be My Legacy in This World; I will have a concrete and specific answer with it. 


Second Life

Well, it's a little sudden and early, although unexpected. At a young age of 30, I had an M.I (Myocardial Infarction), also known as heart attack, For nearly 3 decades of living carefree and uncontrolled lifestyle, it finally reached its toll.

This moment in my life will a big one to remember, my life span was decreased and any moment I could have it again and this day be not as lucky (cross-fingers to not happen soon). But the urgency of the situation comes pouring in and it made me analyze and look deeper into my life, my dreams and goals and even what the hell will happen to me.

So in the second life given to me, I will try my very best to work on my dreams, have a family, and improve my lifestyle. How I wish I can live another 30 years more but it's all up to me and my heart now.

We will just wait and see..


MozTalks about Web Privacy for the Privacy Month

LCC Bacolod  Tech joins Mozilla in celebrating Privacy Month this month of January.

One of Mozilla main advocacy is protecting users from the dangers of online prowlers. Mozilla takes Web Privacy seriously and develop a lot of technologies that focus on Web Privacy. As a Mozilla volunteer, together with the Firefox Student Ambassadors Amiel and Dominique, we orchestrated two events in the spreading the word to students.

The first event is the Reinforcement Activity to one of the section in BS Information Technology here are LCC Bacolod. Dominique tackled about the awareness on Web Privacy and discussed on ways and steps in protecting ones privacy.


MozTour LCC Bacolod

For the first time in Negros Occidental, MozTour landed here at the Auditorium of La Consolacion College Bacolod. This is the first MozTour I ever attended and it's really breathtaking to see students so curious about the latest technology that Mozilla could offer. 

Talks ranged from different topics such as Firefox OS, WebRTC, Web Maker Tools and also the introduction of FSA Members from LCC Bacolod namely, Domique Matus, Lance Patrick Lim, Amiel Pastor and Jude David.

The event was just half day but the students from different schools went home with a happy smile and new stimulated brain cells to share to their classmates back at their respective schools


Year 2013 Monthly Recap

- 2013 started with big Airsoft events.. "The Red January" by NASL and my first night game against real SEAL operators.

- Also joined the students in the Cebu Field Trip. Memorable experience also and really enjoyed the beautiful place of Cebu

- Well we sponsored the  Google Student DevDay. It's a pretty cool experience for us esp. for the student officers.

- SBIT Tribute with the theme Gothic Night (Totally enjoyed the night with the tribute to the seniors.. here are some pics of the graduating students)
- for the first time in good memory, the four of us in the family ate at the same table together. In was really a heart-warming moment for me.

- the graduation of my first IT students in LCC- Bacolod. Congratulations guys.. Good luck in life.

 the month of April was a very slow month. But during the later part of the month, a very bad news arrived. My deal Lola Caro died. Lola Caro is the mother of Momma, and although she was old, it's really painful to know someone you loved died :(

During this time also, the IT Spec Ops went to Pulupandan to have a lunch at Boni's house. Thanks Boni for the generosity and hospitality. Great food. 

- Lola Caro's funeral was held at EB Magalona Public Cemetery. It was really a sorrowful day. May your soul lola Rest in Peace. 


- Start of the 2013 - 2014 curriculum. Excited and of course ready for a new teaching adventure. My first time in handling Android and Blender classes and most of the students had great results. Went to Manila to reunite with my family. Truly enjoyed the experience there. Went to Batangas to enjoy the  new resort of Tita Nerry. One of my memorable side trip was the UP Diliman campus tour. Seeing the premiere university in the Philippines was truly a great experience.

- July ran very slow and uneventful. Continued with my daily tasks as IT College Instructor. 

August was a good month. Played an Airsoft invitational game at NASL  coined  OP: Vipers Nest. It was really rainy but still enjoyed the event. NASL is still the best Military Simulation Moderators here in Negros Occ. 

Also in August, the most awaited wedding of the year. The Araneta-Villanueva Nuptial. Congratulations to the newly-wed. May your family prosper and be showered with blessings and graces. 
The PSITS LCC Bacolod Chapter joined the  IT Congress held at Iloilo City. We captured the 2nd place of the Quiz Bee Competition (Gillian Lorca and Paul Canlas) and 3rd place of the Web Design Competition (Don Gepulango) Congrats and kudos guys. 

A very sad month for me. My remaining grandparent here on earth passed away. She was my closer lola, I had seen the strength of Nanay Doring in fighting the odds. Ang the amazing thing about Nanay Doring was, she gathered all her children here again before she breathe her last breath. She gathered them from 3 diffent continents. Nanay I miss you. Rest In Peace

September also showcased the Google DevFest 2013. Thank you Google for providing us great events . Kudos to the Google Moderators

October was a great month. I was given the chance to share my knowledge to the IT youth of Victorias and Kabankalan. I visited and conducted seminar workshops at Central Philippine State University Victorias and Kabankalan about Android and 3D Animation. 
October also gave us the chance to visit Lexmark Corp. at the Cebu Business Park, Cebu City. Together with Mr.Joel, we had the hands on experienced of observing our OJTs at one of the largest international corporation in Cebu. The immersion was truly a great experience for me as it gave me the chance to witness a corporate management setup. 

November started as a great month. We welcomed Mr. Teun, a Dutch consultant to give  us insights on the standards of IT and Business Collaboration strategies and integration on the curriculum. It was a great experience picking up the genius mind of Mr. Teun and learning a lot from his experience on IT and business ventures.
But in the middle of the month, another tragedy struck. A great Airsoft friend of mine, Uncle Sam, passed away during a tournament. It was really devastating and truly shocking esp. to the Airsoft Community and of course to our Team. It was heart-breaking. Sir Sam, may your soul rest in peace. 
Check the link http://bokybokx.blogspot.com/2013/12/passing-of-friend.html

December started with a great event. The Startup Weekend Visayas sponsored by the BNEFIT. It was one of the greatest event I ever attended and we had the chance to develop 3 apps; Kasambahay.ph, FixIt and GSave. I will be writing an article about our Startup experience in the near future. Here are some pics of the Startup Weekend.

That is me during the final pitch. 

 Together with the Startup Weekend Organizer and coaches. 

 my college Verkz gathered for our Christmas Party at Lord Byrons. Although we are not complete, at least we shared the laughs and a great memory together. 
And finally, the post-Christmas Party of the PSITS IT Club Officers at the Humbertos Farm. 

And that guys is my 2013 recap. Wishing you a happy 2014 and peace out.. 


Passing of a friend

This article is dedicated to one of the great men I know. Uncle Sam Felisario.

Death is truly one of the painful memories of our life and the one that totally leaves a mark is the death of a friend slowly losing his life in front of you.

He was a great man. He was our mentor, our friend, our teacher, our Airsoft guide, our leader, our food buddy, our uncle and most of all our General. Although we just met him for more than 2 years, he was really a major part of our life, especially during Sundays. We would play together, whine together, blame somebody together, and give snide comments together. We created a bond, a bond strong enough that we became comrades, although Airsoft is just a military sport, we became brothers. 

So Uncle Sam, where ever you are, you will always be our brother. 11-16-13.  Never Forget. OP Snake Eyes 2. May your soul rest in peace.

The pre mission pic of Team Zion. Our last pic together with Uncle Sam as a team. :(

With the Never Forget Boss Sam T-Shirt
Commemorative Patch for Uncle Sam by Regaspi Tactical



EPSUG - E-Teach Programmers' Society Users Group

This group is composed of college teachers, web developers, designers, mobile app developers, freelance programmers and IT guys. This was taken during the 2nd EPSUG Meetup.

Join our Facebook group,